Dental Laboratories

As of May 2019, the UK Government has set four grand challenges to work towards. One of these is harnessing the power of technology and innovation to help meet the needs of an increasingly ageing society. The increased demand from an ageing population, coupled with the competitive nature of the industry conditioned by a demand for contemporary aesthetics, have been the driving force for dental laboratories to invest in new equipment and subsequently adapt and develop products and processes, creating an ever-advancing state of the art in dental prosthetics. The intrinsic “evolve or die” nature of the modern dental lab lends itself strongly to several funding avenues. As such, it is vital for dental laboratories to be aware of the relevant funding schemes available to them if they are to remain competitive and stay ahead of the curve.

Accountants and financial advisors tend to only have a restricted understanding of what dental labs actually do and dental lab technicians are not fully aware of the various funding schemes that they can benefit from. These include government funding opportunities such as R&D Tax Relief, Grants, Patent Box, Energy Savings as well as private funding towards the commercialisation of a given product. Inspired to bridge this gap in communication, GKA Innovation is one of the only firms in the UK that specialises in unlocking funding schemes to those dental labs who are in the dark about the “who?, what?, where?, when? and why?” of available funding opportunities. Our experienced PhD qualified technical team evaluate dental labs’ activities to assess their eligibility for a range of funding schemes and our in-house chartered accountant transforms dental labs’ relevant qualifying activities into valuable cash benefits.

Accountants and financial advisors tend to only have a weak understanding of what dental labs actually do and dental lab technicians are not fully aware of the various funding schemes that they can benefit from. These include government funding opportunities such as R&D Tax Relief, Grants, Patent Box, Energy Savings as well as private funding towards the commercialisation of a given product. Inspired to bridge this gap in communication, GKA Innovation is one of the only firms in the UK that specialises in unlocking funding schemes to those dental labs who are in the dark about the “who?, what?, where?, when? and why?” of available funding opportunities. Our experienced PhD qualified technical team evaluate dental labs’ activities to assess their eligibility for a range of funding schemes and our in-house chartered accountant transforms dental labs’ relevant qualifying activities into valuable cash benefits.

It’s particularly important for dental labs to recognise our services as they could miss out on substantial amounts in government funding if they don’t. Our PhD qualified technical specialists were the first in the country to provide government funding to the dental sector. They speak the same language as dental lab technicians and will understand your day-to-day activities better than any other firm. We have worked successfully with a multitude of large and small entities in the industry with a range of capabilities, providing opportunities for further investment in new technologies, such as those that the ever-approaching digital age of dentistry brings. We offer a uniquely efficient and educational approach to unlock available funding avenues in a single, non-disruptive and comprehensive service. Our company slogan is “trust the experts”, and this is particularly true for the dental industry, where quality and reputation are paramount.

If you are attempting to make tangible advances in this field and wish to find out more about your eligibility for various funding schemes you can get in touch with our dental department on