
The lifecycle of a building typically includes design construction, occupancy, renovation, and demolition. Architects and technologists are effectively placed at the top of the development hierarchy and play a vital role in every stage of the cycle. The UK is well-known for its world-class expertise in architecture, design and engineering, and British companies are leading the way in sustainable construction solutions. It is also a sector with considerable growth opportunities, with the global construction market forecast to grow by over 70% by 2025.

With substantial growth opportunities in emerging markets, the UK is aiming to promote the success of British architects domestically and abroad which brings numerous advantages to sustainable city-making in the UK and internationally. The Government has emphasised its intention of working with the industry to ensure British companies are well-placed to take advantage of any available growth opportunities. This includes providing access to a number of different funding schemes that architecture firms can benefit from. GKA Innovation’s experts have a wealth of knowledge working with a wide range of architectural firms, from small-scale affordable housing specialists to large BIM-driven practices. Our approach involves a unique methodology based on streamlined educational process, where we evaluate and educate your company regarding all the available schemes as an integrated service.

If you are attempting to make tangible advances in this field and wish to find out more about your eligibility for various funding schemes within the Architecture industry, you can get in touch with our technology department via CONTACT US.

With substantial growth opportunities in emerging markets, the UK is aiming to promote the success of British architects domestically and abroad which brings numerous advantages to sustainable city-making in the UK and internationally. The Government has emphasised its intention of working with the industry to ensure British companies are well-placed to take advantage of any available growth opportunities. This includes providing access to a number of different funding schemes that architecture firms can benefit from. GKA Innovation’s experts have a wealth of knowledge working with a wide range of architectural firms, from small-scale affordable housing specialists to large BIM-driven practices. Our approach involves a unique methodology based on streamlined educational process, where we evaluate and educate your company regarding all the available schemes as an integrated service.

If you wish to find out more about your eligibility for various funding schemes within the Architecture industry, you can get in touch with our technology department via CONTACT US.