Machine Learning and Artificial Intelligence

With several quintillion bytes of data produced annually from a vast spectrum of sources (social media, blogs, physical sensors, digital cameras, financial transaction records, electronic health records, and GPS signals etc.), an ever-growing number of disciplines rely on artificial intelligence and machine learning techniques. These have already had marked success for online advertising, recommender systems, financial market analysis, computer vision, computational linguistics, bioinformatics and many other fields. A major source of productivity improvements comes from making the most of AI and machine learning across the economy. The UK is aiming to build on its world-class research by working with industry to develop innovative uses of AI and advanced analytic technologies. With each new advance made by AI companies, a myriad of technological challenges must be resolved by computer and data scientists using experimental development to derive optimal solutions.

With several quintillion bytes of data produced annually from a vast spectrum of sources (social media, blogs, physical sensors, digital cameras, financial transaction records, electronic health records, and GPS signals etc.), an ever-growing number of disciplines rely on artificial intelligence and machine learning techniques. These have already had marked success for online advertising, recommender systems, financial market analysis, computer vision, computational linguistics, bioinformatics and many other fields. A major source of productivity improvements comes from making the most of AI and machine learning across the economy. The UK is aiming to build on its world-class research by working with industry to develop innovative uses of AI and advanced analytic technologies. With each new advance made by AI companies, a myriad of technological challenges must be resolved by computer and data scientists using experimental development to derive optimal solutions.

Such challenges are vast, range from fundamental platform development to cloud hosting, and are made exponentially more challenging by recently introduced legislation, such as the necessity for black box auditing to comply with GDPR. GKA Innovation’s experts are well versed in the challenges faced by AI and ML companies and have helped a wide range of firms from new start-ups to near unicorns. We have developed a uniquely efficient and educational approach and our team of technical and financial specialists will provide you with access to the most suitable government funding opportunities and help you claim under one integrated and streamlined package. Working in this way maximises the benefit you receive from each funding avenue and can be incorporated into a long-term strategy to maximise the financial performance of your company.

If you are attempting to make tangible advances in this field and wish to find out more about your eligibility for various funding schemes within the Machine Learning industry, you can get in touch with our technology department via CONTACT US.

Such challenges are vast, range from fundamental platform development to cloud hosting, and are made exponentially more challenging by recently introduced legislation, such as the necessity for black box auditing to comply with GDPR. GKA Innovation’s experts are well versed in the challenges faced by AI and ML companies and have helped a wide range of firms from new start-ups to near unicorns. We have developed a uniquely efficient and educational approach and our team of technical and financial specialists will provide you with access to the most suitable government funding opportunities and help you claim under one integrated and streamlined package. Working in this way maximises the benefit you receive from each funding avenue and can be incorporated into a long-term strategy to maximise the financial performance of your company.

If you wish to find out more about your eligibility for various funding schemes within the Machine Learning industry, you can get in touch with our technology department via CONTACT US.